Thursday, April 16, 2009
The liberals progressives communists are circling the wagons around the imagined defense: The Tea Parties aren't grassroots, spontaneous protests. If only they had one example of such a protest on their side!
Here is our video from the April 15, 2009 Tea Party in beautiful Cincinnati. Enjoy!
Links to our video: Sweetness & Light, Cincinnati Tea Party, Cindy Schneider, Proxywhore, American Thinker, Taxmanblog, MAinfo, Right in a Left World,
UPDATE 4.19: Some good articles about the Tea Parties:
Mona Charen - CNN Versus the Tea Parties
Michelle Malkin - Million Taxpayer March
Karl Rove - Republicans and the Tea Parties
posted by Karl @ 3:14 AM Permalink 1 comments Post a comment
Here is our video from the April 15, 2009 Tea Party in beautiful Cincinnati. Enjoy!
Links to our video: Sweetness & Light, Cincinnati Tea Party, Cindy Schneider, Proxywhore, American Thinker, Taxmanblog, MAinfo, Right in a Left World,
UPDATE 4.19: Some good articles about the Tea Parties:
Mona Charen - CNN Versus the Tea Parties
When thousands of people in all 50 states assemble to protest government policy, you might suppose that this is news. Not according to the coverage on the front pages of the Washington Post, New York Times, or the Wall Street Journal. The "tea party" rallies went unmentioned.
Michelle Malkin - Million Taxpayer March
What resonated on Tax Day were nonpartisan calls to roll back pork, hold the line on taxing and spending, end the endless government bailouts, and stop the congressional steamrollers that have pushed through mountains of legislation without deliberation. This is a teachable moment for GOP public relations peddlers in Washington. While they search for the Holy Grail of Re-branding in tony salons and country club conferences, the agenda for 2010 is smacking them in the face. It's the three T's, stupid: Too Many Taxes, Trillions in Debt, and Transparency.
Karl Rove - Republicans and the Tea Parties
Derided by elitists as phony, the tea-party movement is spontaneous, decentralized, frequently amateurish and sometimes shrill. If it has a father it is CNBC's Rick Santelli, who called for holding a tea party in Chicago on July 4. Yesterday's gatherings were made up of people who may never meet again (there's no central collection point for email addresses). But the concerns driving people to tea parties are real, growing and powerful. Politicians ignore them at their peril.
In 2008, voters were less worried about taxes than they had been in previous elections. Why? Because the 15 years between President Bill Clinton's 1993 tax hike and Barack Obama's increase in cigarette taxes in February was the longest stretch in U.S. history without a federal tax increase. President George W. Bush's tax cuts also cut 13 million people on the lower-end of the income scale from the income tax rolls -- people who don't pay taxes aren't worried about the tax burden.
In 2008, voters were less worried about taxes than they had been in previous elections. Why? Because the 15 years between President Bill Clinton's 1993 tax hike and Barack Obama's increase in cigarette taxes in February was the longest stretch in U.S. history without a federal tax increase. President George W. Bush's tax cuts also cut 13 million people on the lower-end of the income scale from the income tax rolls -- people who don't pay taxes aren't worried about the tax burden.
posted by Karl @ 3:14 AM Permalink 1 comments Post a comment

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Keep it up, folks. This has just begun. We're talking about a May event in San Diego, then July 4th in all the state capitols, and then a march on the White House, maybe in September. Save up some vacation from work, because this is real and true and serious!
And very fun--freedom, what we have left, is great!